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"Intention" is a Therapeutic Guide
to Living with Clarity and Purpose

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Crisis Resources & Support

Mapping Madness Safety

Planning Zine

Use this workbook to create a safety plan for yourself. Print out attached Zine and follow instructions to create a plan for crisis, extreme states, or foul moods

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Course

This free course offers 40+ lessons with guides, videos, and worksheets to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and relationships. Mindfulness & Distress Tolerance skills can help greatly in moments of crisis.

Self-Harm Coping Strategies

Read this article for information and coping skills you can use right now to manage self-harm.

Shop Dani's Favorite Resources & Books

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Read My Blog

Guided Needs Assessment Exercise
8 minutes

Guided Meditation for Your Wounded Parts
20 minutes

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Get the Support that is Right for You

Trauma-Informed, Neurodivergent-Affirming & LGBTQIA+ Centered Care

Individual, Couples & Group Therapy in FL & IL     Coaching Worldwide

Get Your Healing Journey Started with my free resource bundle

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